

I am moving in a few days, and I forgot how tedious it really can be.  I’ve lived in this house for ten years, and it really is amazing all the little stuff that collects during that time period.  Last weeks post talked about spring cleaning, and in most ways I’ve learned the two can be very similar.  To keep things simple, I made lists of what I needed to do to move out of each room.  Some people break down boxes into categories (i.e kids room – toys ; kitchen – pots), and some people just throw everything into boxes room by room.  I think both ways are effective – and I have done a mixture of both with this move.  However, one thing I’m trying differently, is I’m making boxes that are mixes of things from different rooms – the important things I want to unpack first.  When I pack the moving truck, I’m going to put regular categorized boxes in back, mixed boxes in the middle, and furniture up front.  This way I’m unpacking the “bones” of my room first.  The items I’m putting in my “mixed” boxes are surge protectors, bed skirts, lamps, tools, tape, and cleaning supplies as well as blankets, pillows, and toiletries.  This is the stuff I figure I will need first to put every room together.  Bed-skirts for example have always foiled me in moves because you have to put them on the boxsprings before the mattress goes on, but I have never been able to do that because they are always packed in the linen box.  Another thing that can be exhausting about a move is the cost!  Shop around for cheap truck rentals, and if your car has a trailer hitch, you’d be surprised how much cheaper a trailer can actually be (though figure more trips with a trailer a.k.a more gas!), ask at your local supermarket for boxes.  Produce boxes are the perfect size for moving and offer a lot of space in each box which means less trips for you between loading and unloading, and finally keep those receipts!  Some moving expenses you can write off on your taxes!

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