Tag Archives: tea uses



On of my favorite times of any day, is my “me” time when I get to sit down with my mug of tea, put my feet up, and relax.  The reason I love it so much, is the tea itself.  It comes in m+any varieties that offer different soothing properties.

Superfruit Teas – they serve as a bodily detox.  When I started drinking superfruit tea’s I did notice myself seemingly having more energy and just feeling more healthy.  It could be in my mind, but you know what they say …. Mind over matter!

Passionfruit  – Relaxation with a burst of Vitamin C.  This is my personal favorite because the smell of mandarin oranges and the warm taste of the tea mix to really pick me up in a soothing way.

Sleepy time teas – Help relax and sooth you for a better nights sleep.  I was skeptical of this tea, but it has worked for me where sleep aids have not.

Honey in your tea – Sore throat soother.  Great if you have bad allergy attacks, a cold, or just finished cheering on your favorite sports team!  I love putting a little honey in a plain green tea base whenever I need a quick throat soothe.

Raspberry Leaf Tea – During the Unfortunate time of the month, this tea can help you soothe cramps, bloating, and all those uncomfortable feelings.

Those are just a few of my favorite teas.  When buying tea, make sure you look and make sure it’s a fair trade tea so that you can sip away with a good conscious. (check out http://www.fairtradeusa.org/products-partners/tea )

